Thursday, 13th October, 2016

York is a very old city and much of its original wall is still intact. There are many places of much interest to visit. Sadly, we had time only for a few. Today we elected to visit Kirkham Priory. This was founded in the 1120s by Walter l'Espec, lord of nearby Helmsley. Although there is not a great deal left to see of this once prosperous Augustinian priory



The gate house was built about 1290.



This archway led from the cloister to the refectory so lots of hungry monks would have passed through during the 400 years of the priory's existence.



Although in ruins, you can still find some beautiful stonework within the priory.



The remains of a tall window at the east end of the church. The sun kindly came out just at the right time!





A bridge (still in use) near the Priory


We then drove on to Castle Howard. The building of this 145 room house began in 1699 and was not completed for a hundred years! It was used in the TV series Brideshead Revisited.


back door

This is only the back door!


door closer

A closer look at the back door



They had so much crockery and no dish washer. Poor scullery maid!



Lady Georgina's Bedroom



This gallery contained many statues and busts.

Gordiani I

This one is a 3rd century sculpture of Gordian I (who was emperor of Rome for one month!)



This grand hallway was destroyed by a fire in 1940, when the dome above collapsed and fell onto the floor. The blaze took over 8 hours to put out and 22 rooms were lost. Most of these have never been repaired except for the external walls and roof.



A lot of servants would had had the job of polishing the front door lock over time. It is still very shiny, even today.



The view when looking up into the restored dome.



That's some fireplace! We were told it is still used today when the family have guests.


The view from the hall



The view from the hall (artistic version)


music room

The Music Room. Can you see the security system?



This is a famous painting of Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk. He was the uncle of two of Henry VIII's wives and, having fallen out of favour with the King, avoided being beheaded only because Henry died on the day set for the execution and Henry never got around to singing the warrant!


This is Thomas's son, Henry Howard. He was not so lucky!



The Crimson Dining Room



I'm not sure who this is, I just liked the portrait!



This is called the Long Gallery.



The Chapel is very ornate and includes tapestries and stained-glass windows designed by William Morris who is famous for, among other things, his wallpaper designs.


The Annunciation




Another version of the Annunciation

ceiling 1

The ceiling


ceiling 2

There was a lot of ceiling!



The front door at last



The sun was shining on the cupola at the top of the house.



As we were leaving, a group of people were pointing to a hedge. When I realised why, I took this photo of the robin. I was very happy with the result!

We arrived back in York in time to attend Evensong at York Minster. The boys of the Choir sang plainsong responses, The Short Service by Quinney and Pie Jesu from Duruflé's Requiem. The boys were in good form and the service was surprisingly well-attended. The verger told us there were 240 people. Quite a contrast to Coventry Cathedral. We were able to sit in the Quire.

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