Thursday, 27th October, 2016

We had a very pleasant stay at Claremont Lane, Esher, with Glenda and Richard Hill. They were very attentive and helpful hosts.



Pooh Corner

"Pooh Corner" a tea shop in Upper Hartfield full of Winnie the Pooh "stuff".




A few minutes drive and about a 15 minute walk later, we were at the "Pooh Sticks" bridge in Ashdown Forest. This is where, in the story, Pooh invents the game "Pooh Sticks" and Eeyore "joins in" by floating down the river. This is the bridge drawn by E.H.Shepard. There is a World Championship for Pooh Sticks!



Satoshi won our game of Poohsticks!



These leaves looked lovely with the sun behind them.



From Ashdown Forest we headed to Royal Tunbridge Wells. This is the King Charles the Martyr Parish Church.



It was built in stages in the 1600s and the plaster was made by plasterers who works with Sir Christopher Wren.


east window

East Window


window detail

Detail from East Window



Another lectern (you have probably worked out that I really enjoy this kind of lectern)



The plaster ceiling from upstairs



The Pantiles in Royal Tunbridge Wells


St Lawrence, Mereworth

St Lawrence's Church, Mereworth reminded us of the churches in the Barossa Valley, South Australia.




As a Grade I listed building, the church is considered by English Heritage to be of "exceptional interest" and greater than national importance. The interior is neoclassical in style.


rainbow window





It's only when one takes the time to look closely at stained-glass windows when one realises the amount of skill and artistry that went into some of them.


MM Hair

Mary washing the feet of Jesus with her hair.


organ mural

There is a pipe organ in the church and also this mural on the wall at the back of the gallery.



Neither Mereworth or Rochester were planned for today but I saw the tower of the church as were were driving and had to investigate and when we saw how close we were going to Rochester, we decided to visit the cathedral and castle there too. Unfortunately, the castle had closed by the time we got there.



Rochester Cathedral


The present Cathedral dates from Norman times (note the round arches) but the Diocese of Rochester was founded in 604 (the oldest in England with the exception of Canterbury).


organ screen

The organ and screen



A carving from the screen.



The Quire


organ angel

One of the angels on the top of he organ case



The Lectern - third for the day!



A depiction of St.Simon. One tradition says that he died from being sawn in half, hence his emblem. Not all windows are helpfully labelled like this one but if you know a saint's emblem, you can look for him or her anyway.



Gundulph was Bishop of Rochester from 1075 - 1108.



Walter de Merton (c. 1205 – 27 October 1277) was Bishop of Rochester and founder of Merton College, Oxford.


John de Sheppey

John Sheppey was made Bishop of Rochester on 22nd October, 1352. He was consecrated on 10th March, 1353. He died on 19th October, 1360.



The Nativity



The Wise Men



Simeon blesses the Baby Jesus

David and Goliath

David telling Goliath that "this day will be thy last"!



This arch has been under considerable stress at some time.





cathedral and castle

The Castle Keep and the Cathedral from inside the curtain wall of the castle.



Who needs a head? No computer magic, this scene is just as the camera saw it.



Another photo a few moments later and the head is back! Spooky!



The River Medway


Evensong was at 5:30pm and was sung by the "Voluntary Choir " consisting of ladies and men. Some of the ladies had a little too much vibrato in their voice for my liking but, that aside, the music was excellent. It consisted of the introit Holy is the True Light by William Harris, the Responses by Sanders, Brewer in D canticles and the anthem The Fair Chivalry by Ashfield. The organ voluntary was Widor's Toccata from the 5th Symphony (yes, that one). After dinner, we drove to Canterbury and I am finishing this at 12:15am!

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