Friday, 7th October, 2016

Today was our last day on the narrow boat. I can't believe that almost a week has passed since we boarded it the first time. We had not been told about where the water from the shower and the kitchen sink went. We found out - it goes straight out into the canal!


The water coming out the side of our boat is from the shower!




The reflections in the water first thing in the morning are so beautiful!



English sheep are so lucky compared to most of those in Australia - look at the grass they get to eat!



The zoom on my camera is really good.


lock gates

lock gates

We went through the same to locks as we did on Tuesday but this time we were going from low level to a higher level in the canal so the boat was lifted up in the lock.



The geese made a change from ducks and swans.



We had to wait for this boat to come over the Chirk Aqueduct before we could cross it.



That's our boat (on the right of the photo) as we crossed the aqueduct.



The railway viaduct which runs parallel to the canal.


The original plan was to stay on the boat tonight but Satoshi really wanted to go to Chester and we didn't think we would have time tomorrow. Since we got back to Chirk quite early, we decided it was a bit silly to stay there just for the sake of sleeping on the boat (we would have had to have returned it by 9:30am tomorrow morning anyway). So we piled all the luggage into the car and headed off to Chester.



The front of the Cathedral



Standing in the Quire, looking toward the Sanctuary



The floor of the Chancel



The Quire




We didn't expect to find Lego in the Cathedral!



The Quire Screen



A very old looking (Norman?) Arch


We got to the cathedral with one minute to spare before Evensong! This time the choir was made up of girls. Although there were only ten, the sound was particularly beautiful. The music consisted of the Responses by Oxley, the Sumsion in D setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis and the anthem Ave Verum by Arthur Wills. We didn't have much time for photos but hope to visit again in the morning.

After a quick dinner at McDonald's (only metres from the Cathedral!) we drove to our accommodation Hamilton Court Guest House and settled down for the night.

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