Friday, 23rd December, 2016

Andrew's Place

Andrew's flat is entered through the door on the right.


We were very sad to leave Andrew's place - partly because it was so comfortable and partly because it meant our trip was moving into the final phase. Heeding Andrew's advice, we travelled from his flat to near Heathrow (where we were to pick up our hire car) via "Mini Cab". This is a service similar to Uber where one rings and books a car to take you somewhere and you agree on the price at time of booking. This was £35 well spent as it made the journey hassle free. At the hire company we were offered an upgrade. When we found that this meant an extra £200 pounds (for just 5 nights) we declined! We ended up with a red Fiat 500x. This was very comfortable to drive and almost brand new.


It seemed to take for ever to get to Cambridge. This was partly because we went in search of a "Heston's Hidden Orange Pudding" to take to our hosts as a contribution to the meal on Christmas Day. It was good to return to the home of Lois and Dave as we had been made very welcome there on our earlier visit to Cambridge and they gave us a very good deal for three nights accommodation as well as Christmas Lunch all for £150 pounds (about $250). By the time we had unpacked and settled in, it was time for dinner so we decided to head into Cambridge. Just as we left, the heavens opened at it teemed with rain. We arrived at the restaurant quite wet! The meal was good and we returned home (in the dry this time) ready for our very early departure in the morning.

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