Wednesday, 19th October, 2016

We arose early today so we could leave by 8:00am which is the latest we were able to park legally on the "wrong" side of the road. In Australia, we almost always park on the same side of the road we are travelling on. In England, people often park on the other side. It can be a little disconcerting to come bonnet to bonnet with a parked car!



34 Alexandra Terrace, Lincoln


Although we had been to Lincoln Cathedral for Evensong twice, we had not had the opportunity to look around properly. We arrived about 8:30am to a very quiet and peaceful cathedral.

Lincoln ext


Once again, a Norman door, at least 700 years old.



The Nave



Lincoln Cathedral has a huge number of beautiful windows of many different styles and time periods.





This Chapel is in remembrance of those killed in various wars.



St.George (the patron saint of England) with the dragon.



The cloister at Lincoln is intact.



The cloister from inside



I suspect it would take a week to look at all the windows, even longer to see them in detail.



This is the centre part of the rose window above.



The Quire



The Lectern in the Quire



The Lectern


The workmanship is astounding. Look at the detail of the talons!



This is a photo of the "Lincoln Imp". Can you find him?



Can you see him now?



The Lincoln Imp is quite famous and even has his own legend!





This window was designed by William Morris. It was rescued from a church that was demolished many years ago and has only recently been restored and placed on display in the Cathedral. He has a very distinctive style and it is not hard to identify his work.

As I was wandering around in the peace of the Cathedral, the subject of health and injections came into my mind. I was trying to work out some sort of plan to deal with the problem of getting more needles. Sister Hilary's words from yesterday came into my mind, that I could ring her for help and advice. So I rang the hospital and was put through to her department. She was too busy to talk and I was asked to phone back in half an hour. I really didn't want to waste any more time so we drove to the hospital and went up to see her. The reception staff remembered me from yesterday and greeted me warmly. Sister Hilary came out almost straight away and I told her about the problems with the needles and how it was going to cause such a lot of difficulty (and pain). (Yes, I know, I'm such a woose!) I asked could she please find a doctor to give me a new prescription for the original pills as I really didn't want to spend the next six weeks as a pin cushion. She was absolutely wonderful about it and within ten minutes she was back with a replacement prescription. She even took all the needles back from us. I wanted to hug her!!


So then it was back to the pharmacy to get the pills. Prescriptions work a little differently in England. Whatever is prescribed costs £8.40 regardless of amount. So yesterday's needles cost £8.40 and three months supply of pills also cost £8.40. The pharmacist took the prescription and went to see if they head the pills. Yes, all good, but we are busy. Come back in half an hour! We used the time wisely and went to the hospital restaurant for brunch for me and a snack for Satoshi (who had had breakfast at the Cathedral Cafe). Back to the pharmacy...

Pills were ready, so that was good. Pretty small package though - for three months' supply. Hmm.. suspicion formed in my mind.
"Is this the whole three months supply?"
"Oh no, we don't supply that much at once, you will need to see your GP......."


It took a bit of pressure but I finally walked out with the whole prescription supplied. What a relief!

We had planned to visit Burghley Hall as well as Nene Valley Railway on the way to Peterborough but now we didn't have time. We both chose the railway over the house but we decided we had time to have a quick look at the exterior of the house. It is very impressive indeed and we were sorry not to be able to go in for the tour.


Burghley Hall

Burghley Hall

Burghley Hall

Burghley Hall

Burghley Hall

The trip on the Nene Valley Railway was about an hour and a half return. It was very relaxing and the staff were very friendly and helpful. Just the thing for recovering from the trying to find one's way through the labyrinth of the National Health Service!

Signal Box


This loco is not in running order. It needs a complete overhaul - very expensive.



Our loco, the Hunslet Austerity 0-6-0ST "Swiftsure". It is only a small loco but it hauled the long train with ease.


us in


This locomotive came from Stockholm.

We headed off to Peterborough Cathedral, arriving about 4:45pm. We found that the much of the cathedral had been (temporarily) turned into the location for a special dinner! Apparently this happens three times a year and raises a lot of money. I was asked to pay £3 for a photography licence regardless of the fact that some of the cathedral was not viewable and that there was only about 15 minutes until the other part of the cathedral was to be closed in preparation for Evensong. I was NOT impressed!



The Nave Restaurant. I thought the whole thing was pretty tacky. There was a bar set up in the transept too.



Beautiful ceiling (not improved by the festoon lighting for the restaurant).



The Quire




Looking up into the central tower



When the monastery was dissolved, all the valuables were listed and they still have the book!



Decoration above the High Altar



Wonderful stone vaulting!








monks' stone

The Monks Stone, with its twelve carved figures, is traditionally held to be a monument to those monks who perished at the hands of the Danes in AD 870. Some, however, assign it to an even earlier period of sculpture. This makes it 1146 years old at the very least!!



Simeon with the baby Jesus.


Joseph, Mary,

Joseph and Mary with a pair of turtle doves to give to the Temple. Joseph is often portrayed as an old man. This is because there is no mention of him in the Bible after this story so, traditionally, it was assumed that he died.



I thought it was interesting that one of this organist's compositions was transcribed onto his memorial.



The tomb of Catherine of Aragon, first wife (of six) of King Henry VIII



The three kings visit the stable in Bethlehem

The visit improved with Evensong. The boys and girls of the choir sang the plainsong Responses, Stuart Beer's First Service and Berkeley's O that I once past changing were. The Choir was very good (except for one girl who was too loud and stood out from the rest of the choristers).

The Dean spoke to us after the service and I told him about the photography licence. He was most apologetic and said that he would look at ways of making the charge fairer for visitors arriving right at the end of the day.


guild hall

Peterborough's Guildhall looked great!


pizza express

Even Pizza Express had a lovely building!

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