Friday, 21st October, 2016

We left the Village Inn after a hearty English breakfast and returned to Ely Cathedral


Village Inn


This building with a thatched roof is located opposite the Village Inn



This photo shows the thickness of the thatch.


Even the cat was made of thatch!


Back in the cathedral, we took advantage of the better morning light.




Not sure why this guy is putting his hand in the lion's mouth!



The Quire




Carvings in the Quire - this lucky bishop has a prime position to hear the Choir every day!



Each panel above the stalls has a different carving.




Fan vaulting in one of the chapels



Nave from Nave Altar - can you see the clock at the far end?



Here it is!



The ceiling of the north transept



My eyes would be popping out too if I was stuck up there with the job of holding the ceiling up!


One of the reasons I had wanted to revisit Ely Cathedral this morning was to look over the stained glass museum. One of the difficulties of taking photos of stained glass is that it is often very high and difficult to get the camera to focus on it. In this museum, there were examples from the last 800 years of stained glass window making together with explanations of the skills involved. It was most interesting and fully worth the £4.50 entry fee. Everything was at eye level and easy to photograph! So...




Ruth meeting Boaz



This king was created in about 1210 in France.


St Vincent

This is St.Vincent being tortured on a grid iron (from about 1225)


St Vincent

Fortunately, some angels ministered to him so he felt a bit better.



I loved the expression on Mary's face as the angel tells her she is going to be the Mother of Jesus!





The Dance of Salome (from 1856)




Moses returning from Mt Sinai. The Israelites are frightened because he face shone.



The Parable of the Lost Coin




Jesus in Temple

His parents lost Jesus in the crowd at Jerusalem. They found him talking to the scribes and pharisees in the Temple.


Prodigal Son

The Parable of the Prodigal Son. This window dates from 1930. You can follow the story below. Do read it!


Prodigal Son

Prodigal Son

Prodigal Son

Prodigal Son

Prodigal Son



The Archangel Michael.


It was great to be able to zoom in to get the kind of detail seen here. It helps one appreciate the work of the artist even more.


During the time I was in the museum, Satoshi went on a tour up to the lantern tower. He said it was wonderful!


sun dial

This sundial is on one of the exterior walls of the cathedral.


It was well and truly afternoon when we left Ely, heading for Old Windsor. We took a little detour to the town of Linton (because a good friend is named Linton!). Within the town (as almost every town) is a beautiful church. This one was open so in we went!


St Mary's Linton

St.Mary's Church, Linton



It was interesting to note that the archway leading to the sanctuary is not in the centre. Also, the arches on either side of the church are of a different height.



letern detail

I was surprised to see such a beautiful lectern in a small church and I have never seen one with red eyes before!


east window

This is the East window.


A scene from the East window.

I noticed that at the top of the East window, there were angel musicians. I thought they deserved a photo each so here they are:










bell ropes

In England, almost all the churches have more than one bell. Many are set up for change ringing. This one is not but it still has six bells.



There were fairly plain choir stalls at the front of the Church but also some at the back (not sure why). The ones at the back included some great carvings.


We had hoped to get to Windsor in time for Evensong at St.George's Chapel in Windsor Castle but it wasn't to be. By the time I had a power nap and both of us had a snack at a services centre on the freeway, we could see that we would be missing out. The traffic was very busy and we didn't get to our accommodation until dinner time. About a mile away was... Toby's Carvery! Such a good place for a meal!

After dinner, I worked hard to catch up with the journal and went to bed at 1:00am!

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